Woody guthrie guitar message

Woody guthrie death

"This machine kills fascists" is a message that American musician Woody Guthrie placed on his guitar in the mids, starting in The idea originated from a sticker that American machinists affixed to metalworking lathes and drill presses to support the war effort.

woody guthrie guitar message

Woody guthrie politics

To put the term into the context of this lesson, explain that Woody Guthrie first put the message "this machine kills fascists" on his guitar in , during WWII, as the United .

Woody guthrie children

At some point in , Woody Guthrie scrawled “This machine kills fascists” on his acoustic guitar.
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That's because, since the early s, according to history professor Michael J. Kramer, Guthrie often performed with a guitar (one of many) that bore a message: "This machine kills fascists." The message was, and is, consistent with Guthrie's progressive, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist beliefs, and it has inspired other musicians well after his.