Paul walden for addison city council
Forney city
Council Member Paul Walden was not eligible to run again due to term limits and Council Member Marlin Willesen chose not to run again.
Paul walden for addison city council
Paul Walden, Addison City Council, Post (Facebook): My Thoughts December 18, On December 15, the Addison City Council took a major step toward assuring that Town .
Paul walden for addison city council addison texas
Mayor Chow made a motion to appoint Paul Walden as Mayor Pro Tem and Tom Braun as Deputy Mayor Pro Tem; second by Councilmember Hughes; motion passed with a vote of .
Paul walden for addison city council members
I love serving the citizens of Addison but the city council didn’t exactly cover itself in glory by some of the actions taken at the Dec. 13 meeting.